
Showing posts from February, 2021

Here's a baby essay about the pandemic and somehow The Walking Dead... idk.

Something a little different; I challenged myself to try to write on one specific topic that I have a definitive opinion about.  The COVID pandemic and its effect on what's already (in my definitive opinion) a jeopardized state of authentic human communication. (Maybe "authentic" isn't the word I'm searching for as much as "optimal/whole" art of communication.)      I don't know anyone that says they expected the COVID-19 outbreak to occur when it did. I know a few “conspiracy theorists” who can cite “New World Order” predictions and some Bible enthusiasts who may say it was foretold in scripture, but when the virus hit in early 2020, no one was able to definitely state they knew what exactly this meant for humanity. As far as my experience goes, most people thought it was just something that would likely pass once we observed the precautions being implemented and like everything else in our instantly-gratified world, there would be a quick fix.   ...